Steelhead Release in Copeland Creek

This semester, I helped to organize a Steelhead Trout release on campus, as part of a program where elementary school students release trout that they had raised in the classroom. Back in February, I was approached by Michael Knappman, who volunteers at University Elementary at La Fiesta Elementary in Rohnert Park. One of their classes was participating the the Water Agency’s ‘Steelhead in the Classroom’ program (, and would have fry to release in May. Since, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has designated Copeland among the acceptable release tributaries of the Russian River, Michael wanted to know if I’d be interested in helping him arrange for the fish to be released on the stretch of Copeland Creek that runs through the Sonoma State campus.

My answer was an enthusiastic YES! I worked with third-grade teacher Frankie Kellogg to make the arrangements for her students to come to the Sonoma State campus and release their fish in the creek, along with some supplemental activities on campus, including a trip to our Maker Space to make their own commemorate buttons, and a nature walk along the creek. Originally, I’d hoped to schedule this at a time that would allow my Vertebrate Biology students to participate, but unfortunately, because of the timing of when the fish had arrived at the elementary school, they wouldn’t be ready to release until after graduation (meaning most of my students would have already left the area). Even so, I was able to recruit a couple of students from my lower division course to come and help.

On the day, I stayed at the release site to oversee the actual release of fish, and it was a lot of fun to watch the students get excited about their fish, and then release them into the creek (including a couple of students who shed a few tears when saying goodbye).

This is a great activity, helping students develop an appreciation for wildlife and natural spaces. I look forward to hosting the Steelhead program on campus again in the future.

During down time between groups of children, I took the opportunity to listen for birds, and do some plant photography. I made a separate post about my wildlife sightings over at Edge of the Map (

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