Taking a quick break from Summer School posts to share something that happened on campus today: the school hosted about 450 elementary-aged students from the Roberts Family Development Center, a CDF Freedom School. Departments from all across campus set up hands-on activities, the Rohnert Park Fire Department and Police Department came out to say, “Hi,” and it seemed as though a good time was had by all!
Our Biology Department activity focused on insect defenses – particularly camouflage and warning displays. We had a dissecting scope set up with butterflies for the kids to view, a nice display on insect defenses, some books, a coloring station, and some live critters. Unsurprisingly, the live insects were a bit hit, but the star of the show today was definitely Rose, the department’s Chilean rose tarantula. (She’s my favorite)!
Rather than write any more about this, I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves. 🙂 Outreach is so much fun.

Here’s the coloring page, if you’d like to join in. I’ve also included some suggested colors, but of course you are welcome to color it any way you’d like! 🙂

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