. . . as part of the Sonoma Land Trust’s 40th Anniversary Speaker’s Series. I’m super excited about this opportunity – any chance to talk about cool local wildlife sounds amazing to me! Information from their website reproduced below.
40th Anniversary Speaker Series
Wild Animals of Sonoma County
As part of the celebrations for our 40th Anniversary, and in view of the overwhelming interest we’ve received for our work on wildlife corridors, we are offering a very special series of talks about the fascinating wildlife of Sonoma County.
May 4: The Northern California Serengeti: Sonoma’s Wild Past by Breck Parkman outside Sebastopol
May 11: Animals of Our Creeks, Rivers and Marshes by Wendy St. John in Petaluma
May 18: Coexisting With Mountain Lions — Sonoma County’s Apex Predators by Quinton Martins in Sonoma
May 25: Mammals on the Wing: Bats of Northern California by Greg Tatarian in Santa Rosa

Animals of Our Creeks, Rivers and Marshes
by Wendy St. John
May 11 (Wednesday), 6:30—8:30pm, at the Petaluma Community Center, 320 N McDowell Blvd., Petaluma
Here in Sonoma County, we are fortunate to have a variety of freshwater systems that support a rich diversity of animal and plant life. Our marshes, wetlands, streams, rivers, lakes and ponds provide habitat for many native and at-risk species. Wendy St. John, a professor in both the Biology and Environmental Studies and Planning departments of Sonoma State University will focus on some of the wildlife found in these watery habitats, such as beaver and otter, steelhead and salmon, turtles and lizards, and maybe even a few plants!